Absence Policy


Trainees are required to attend all centre and school-based training punctually to enable them to satisfy the aims of the programme.

N.B. Attendance data is rigorously collected to comply with future reference requests.

The following procedures will apply if a trainee is absent during the taught element:

  1. Trainees must inform the Course Coordinator by 8.45am at the latest by telephone.
  2. They must complete a Notification of Absence Form and email it to the Course Coordinator.

The following procedures will apply if a trainee is absent during school-based training:

  1. Trainees must inform the school office by 8.30am at the latest by telephone.
  2. They will inform other trainee teachers involved in any planning.
  3. Record the number of days and reason for absence in Learning Log.
  4. Complete a Notification of Absence Form (Appendix 1a or on PPS SharePoint) and email it to the Course Coordinator.

Trainees should also consider informing the mentor directly if they have the means to do so.

How do we monitor attendance on placements?

Trainees upload a weekly meeting sheet to the TEAMs platform weekly. Mentors record attendance on this sheet and the information is then collated by the course co-ordinator. Attendance is also reported on the end of placement reports from schools.

Returning after an illness

Trainees should return to either the taught element or school-based training as soon as they are well enough to do so. This should not expose children or staff to infection nor delay their own recovery.

Prolonged absence

In cases of substantial absence from school (eg five days or more), trainee teachers may be required to undertake a further period of teaching.  The length of this is normally related to the number of days missed.  In cases of substantial absence during the taught element you are expected to obtain and review course handouts.

A medical certificate must be sent to the Course Coordinator if absence is for more than five days.

Leave of absence for miscellaneous purposes

Each application will be considered on its own merits.  A Request for Leave of Absence Form should be submitted.


The SCITT Lead may authorise a maximum of one day for a trainee to attend their own graduation or the graduation of their child or partner.

School Inset days

Leave of absence will not be authorised to enable trainees to look after their children in the event of a professional closure at their child’s school. Other arrangements should be made.


If a trainee becomes pregnant, it is their responsibility to inform both SCITT and Mentor once they reach the 16th week of pregnancy. However, it is recommended that the trainee informs SCITT as soon as possible after their pregnancy has been confirmed. SCITT will ensure that trainee tasks do not involve any prohibited by law during pregnancy.

Trainees are not obliged to complete the course in one year during these circumstances and arrangements can be made for the first part of the course to be completed one year and the second part to be completed during the second part of the following year.

If however, a trainee wishes to continue with the course, SCITT will require them to withdraw from a school placement no less than two weeks before the expected date of giving birth, and to return to the course no sooner than two weeks after giving birth. A medical note will be required indicating that the trainee is fit to return.

Time off for dependents

Our expectation is that trainees will find appropriate childcare during their training year. However, in exceptional circumstances, the SCITT Lead or Headteacher may authorise a leave of absence to take care of family members.

The SCITT Lead may authorise absence for other urgent matters and they may wish to consult the Executive Committee in this case.

Trainee teachers are expected to attend school throughout the day whether or not specific lessons are being taken.  If the need for absence arises during the day, then the mentor or another appropriate member of staff must be consulted.

During the final practice in the summer term, each trainee may have a maximum of two days out, in the school where they will spend their induction year.

Diversity Equality and Inclusion Policy

  1. Statement of Intent

Portsmouth Primary SCITT is committed to equal opportunities for staff, trainees and prospective trainees in its admissions, in all aspects of teaching and assessment and in its provision of trainee services.

Portsmouth Primary SCITT will provide training, advice and guidance in key areas. This is confidential and bespoke – designed to meet the needs of individual trainees in order to promote equality of opportunity and provide the platform to enable them to reach their full potential as both trainees and graduates.

In line with The Equality Act 2010, Portsmouth Primary SCITT recognises that the relevant ‘protected characteristics’ are: • age • disability • gender reassignment • marriage or civil partnership • pregnancy and maternity • race (including ethnicity) • religion or belief • sex • sexual orientation

  1. The Legal Framework
    2.1 Legislation designed to eliminate unfair discrimination and promote equality of opportunity is in place:
  • The Equality Act (2010)
  • The Sex Discrimination Act (1975)
  • The Race Relations Act 1976
  • The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000
  • The Disability discrimination Act (1995)
  • The Protection from Harassment Act (1997)
  • The Sex Discrimination (Gender reassignment) Regulations 1999


  1. What is unacceptable practice?
    3.1 Four types of action come under the general heading of unacceptable practice:

– Direct discrimination – which is treating a person less favourably than others.
– Indirect discrimination – which occurs when conditions, although applied equally, operate to the detriment of people from a particular group e.g. rules about clothing, which cannot be justified, and result in a group being proportionately disadvantaged.
– Victimisation – this is the taking of action against people who give information, give evidence or bring proceedings in cases of alleged discrimination.
– Harassment – which is the use of threatening, abusive or insulting behaviour or language thus causing people to feel threatened or intimidated.

  1. Who has responsibility?
    4.1 All staff and students have a responsibility for their own actions to ensure that neither by commission or omission do their actions infringe policy.
    4.2 The SCITT Lead has a particular role in promoting equal opportunities.
    4.3 The SCITT Lead is responsible for the collection of sufficient and appropriate information to monitor and evaluate progress in implementing equal opportunities.
  2. Admissions and Recruitment
    5.1 Portsmouth Primary SCITT ensures that admissions procedures are clear and consistently applied with a concern for prospective trainees’ abilities and potential to gain from higher education.

5.2 The SCITT Lead is responsible for ensuring that staff CPD is regularly updated and remains high priority in order to ensure that we do not, either consciously or unconsciously, show any actual or perceived bias towards or against any identified group or characteristic.

* Refer to the Policy for Recruitment and Selection of Trainees.

  1. Student Placements
    6.1 Portsmouth Primary SCITT actively pursues its commitment to equality and seeks assurance that trainees undertaking placements as part of their study programme will be treated fairly and equitably by host organisations.

6.2 Portsmouth SCITT work alongside our mentors to ensure a firm understanding of the protected characteristics and how these relate to the trainees in their classrooms. We include CPD on these characteristics in our training for mentors.

* Refer to Partnership agreement.

  1. Training for Students

7.1 Trainees receive specific training in the Taught Element of the programme (from relevant experts) on the following protected characteristics: gender reassignment, disability, race, marriage or civil partnerships, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

7.2 In order to ensure there are clear links between the taught element and school-based placements, trainees have a DE&I experience list (including the 4 areas of SEN need from the Code of Practice 2015) which Link Tutors discuss with them during pitstop meetings on each placement.

  1. Leadership and Management
    8.1 The SCITT Management Consortium Group is responsible for:
  • Ensuring the policy is working in practice
  • Monitoring the success of the policy
  • Identifying and remedying any failures of the policy


  • The SCITT Executive Committee is responsible for:
  • The day-to-day implementation of the policy
  • Reporting any failures to the SCITT Management Consortium Group

8.3 Procedures
Stage 1

  1. Any accusation of failure of the policy shall be raised with the SCITT Lead.
    2. The complainant will be invited to discuss the complaint with the SCITT Lead and a member of the SCITT Executive Committee. The complainant will be required to submit a written version of the complaint at this meeting.
    3. If after discussion the staff, consider that there is insufficient evidence the process should then be terminated.

Stage 2

  1. If the matter is referred to this stage of the process a meeting of three members of the SCITT Quality Assurance Risk Committee will be convened. All members of this panel should be independent of the enquiry to date.
    2. The panel should interview:

The complainant.

Any relevant members of the partnership

  1. The panel must decide whether there is evidence of discrimination and any further action to be taken. The panel will use its discretion in the light of the seriousness of the offence to decide on the consequences.

9 Publishing Policy
9.1 This policy will be available to all Partnership schools and copies given to trainees.

Wellbeing Policy

At Portsmouth SCITT, wellbeing is a golden thread which runs throughout our course. This starts from the recruitment stages and is a constant conversation with consistent tracking to ensure the positive mental health of our trainees. We believe that a strong focus on wellbeing is important in order to prepare trainees for the rigour and realities of the classroom.

How we support wellbeing:

  • *Interview questions are designed to check on potential trainee’s resilience around workload and current strategies for managing their own wellbeing.
  • Fitness to Teach check designed to ensure that any adjustments can be made where necessary to support both physical and mental wellbeing.
  • We store a confidential data base with any wellbeing concerns or issues a trainee may share with us. These are shared on a need-to-know basis with other professionals in order to support the trainee.
  • Trainee reps assigned and meet with SCITT team on half-termly basis to feedback from trainees. This ensures their voice is listened to and valued. Minutes from these meetings are provided to all trainees once agreed by reps.
  • Leaflet produced with services to support with cost of living and University Hardship fund signposted to all trainees. Additional support and guidance provided to trainees around financial wellbeing on a individual basis.
  • Wellbeing is an ongoing conversation within both the school-based and taught-element of our course.
  • Explicit session delivered on Resilience and Wellbeing in Autumn term during taught element.
  • Mentors check in weekly with trainee wellbeing. They also have more regular and more informal check-ins with trainees.
  • Link tutors complete a wellbeing check with trainees at all 3 meetings during school-based placements and also regular catch up with trainees through the use of Teams.
  • Pedagogy Journals give an insight into trainee mental health and wellbeing and are monitored on a weekly basis by course co-ordinator. A specific section on is provided each week on the Pedagogy Journals for trainees to comment on wellbeing and/or workload.
  • SCITT Lead is trained in Supervision:

–              A weekly group supervision open-session is offered by the SCITT Lead. Trainees can ‘drop-in’ to this session on a needs basis. If SCITT Lead feels it necessary, an individual session is also offered following this. – Every trainee has the offer of an individual formal supervision meeting where they feel it is needed.

  • The SCITT Lead is also available once a week for a drop-in Supervision session with mentors if they would like to discuss anything around their own wellbeing whilst supporting trainees.
  • Wellbeing suggestions for both home and school are added to the weekly training plans every term.
  • Our SCITT Course Co-ordinator is trained in Mental Health First Aid. She has a list of trainees with pastoral or emotional needs who she regularly checks in with and provides support where needed.
  • We observe World Mental Health day on an annual basis with our trainees in the centre.
  • Our half-termly newsletter to schools has a focused section on wellbeing with suggested tips and support signposted.
  • Our mentor/trainee weekly meeting sheet also includes a wellbeing tracker which mentors can highlight in order to monitor the self-help strategies which a trainee is developing.

Planned next steps:

  • Trainees are provided with training in Mental Health First Aid
  • Our website a page dedicated to wellbeing and encouraging good mental health to be updated.
  • Ensure our trainees have all relevant support through the lens of DE&I.

Contact Us

For further information, or to arrange an informal visit to our training rooms to discuss our programme, please contact us on 023 9237 3432 or by sending an email to admin@portsmouthscitt.co.uk.